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Chronic Wound Care With Modern Dressings
07 April

Chronic Wound Care With Modern Dressings

A wound is defined as the disconnection of tissue continuity due to injury or surgery. Wounds can be classified based on their anatomical structure, nature, healing process, and duration of healing.

Eczema sores (eczema)
07 April

Eczema sores (eczema)

Eczema is a skin disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the skin. Eczema arises in individuals who have sensitive and dry skin types with marked rashes, skin redness, and inflammation.

Pressure Injury (Geriatric Wound) / Dekubitus
07 April

Pressure Injury (Geriatric Wound) / Dekubitus

Old age has a great potential for decubitus because skin changes related to increasing age include: reduced subcutaneous fat tissue, reduced collagen and elastin tissue, decreased capillary collateral efficiency in the skin so that the skin becomes thinner and more fragile.

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