BIOLUKA is a special service for wound care with modern techniques carried out by a team of medical professionals in their fields. We present BIO LUKA to be a solution for wound cases that are difficult to heal with independent wound care by patients. Currently, so many medical cases that cause a person to suffer injuries for a long time such as in the case of diabetes mellitus, cases of old bed rest patients who suddenly appear wounds on the part of the body affected by pressure (decubitus) which causes patients to suffer and threaten their overall health
Many amputations due to blood sugar disease / diabetes can actually be avoided from the beginning if there is good and collaborative wound care with a skilled doctor. Such amputations lower the expectations and quality of life of patients and their families, leading to many problems later in life. The accessibility and mobility of patients with chronic wound conditions is very limited, so patient care is not optimal, and can delay patient recovery. For this reason, BIOLUKA also provides home services for wound care so that we hope patients can immediately and always receive optimal care.
We hope that through BIOLUKA services, the quality of life of patients who experience chronic injuries can improve soon, becoming a spirit for body and soul recovery. Heal better, recover faster!
Greetings healthy,
BIOLUKA is a hope for the public about modern wound care solutions that can reduce the degree of patient pain.